BackBoxx™ Original™ Installation
WARNING! Incorrect installation may result in product failure. BackBoxx LLC is not responsible for installation. See photos below.
Place BackBoxx™ Original™ vertically into 16-inch-on-center wall cavity, or horizontally into 24-inch-on-center ceiling joists. (If installation is needed in smaller cavity, see Special Installation Instructions below).
Attach BackBoxx™ Original™ to outward facing edges of studs using staple gun.
Using a knife or awl, open one Wire Dimple Locator™ in either end of BackBoxx™ Original™ (wall mounting), or back center of BackBoxx™ (ceiling mount).
Run a few inches of speaker wire through Wire Dimple Locator™ in BackBoxx™ Original™, leaving 36" of slack wire behind the BackBoxx™ Original™, and attach speaker wire to the back wall of the surround.
Note: To coil the speaker wire directly behind the wall board for loud, future toner locating, use our TonerCoil™ Insert. See
TonerCoil™ Installation Instructions on the TonerCoil™ Installation page.
5. Seal opening around wire and Wire Dimple Locator™ with sealant.
6. Wall vapor barrier film should be attached to BackBoxx™ Original™ flanges using approved sealing tape.
7. (Optional) Attach speaker frame to stud faces, in front of installed BackBoxx™ Original™.
Special Installation Instructions: To install BackBoxx™ Original™ in smaller wall or ceiling cavity, cut straight down center of BackBoxx™ Original™ from one flange to the opposite flange. Install both halves of BackBoxx™ Original™ separately by attaching flanges to outward facing edge of studs using staple gun. Seal both sides of the BackBoxx™ Original™, on the overlapping seam, using approved sealing tape (such as mylar) and continue installation at step #3.